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April summary 2020*:
"April offered near-normal temperatures but abnormally low precipitation across Washington. With the early loss of snowpack on the eastern slope of the Cascades, coupled with meager rainfall statewide, much of the state ended the month showing mild, moderate, or severe drought conditions. The State Climatologist’s May newsletter provides details, as well as a review of the past winter and a, peek at the state’s climate outlook".
*Quote: from DOE
It's a pleasure to see customers' reactions to seeing their water bills come down significantly on our water conservation program.  Give us a challenge and we will meet it.
Remember; one of the most important reasons for a cooling tower is to save water - think about that for a while - think primary reason not what all the other duties of a cooling tower are.
Remember, one gallon down the drain unnecessarily will cost you ~ $8K a year in most cities.  Email me if you need to find out why


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