
Some wise person once said that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" . Hmm.... In fact, I think he may have had an apple drop on his head.  There is another saying that for every action there is a consequence - some call this Karma. So when we look at the actions taken in the field of water treatment in cooling water, there must be some consequence to our actions.

WCTI has forever changed the way the industry has thought of cooling water treatment by simply changing man's chemically engineered design back to Mother Nature's manifestations...  WCTI is nothing more than thinking of Newton's 3rd Law in the reaction that takes place in the ion exchange resin by the one to one exchange of Ca/Mg for Na going to the tower make-up - - after all there is an equal and opposite reaction here right?

Some might say that in our efforts to use water in a cooling tower, it must result in "blowdown" or more commonly known as tower bleed. If we do not, we must be willing to live with the consequences of scale, corrosion and bio-problems etc...  Water treatment, therefore, in open cooling systems must result in the bleed of the concentrated solids caused by evaporation resulting in 15 - 40% of the incoming water going down the drain. Oh no! - I almost forgot, there are chemicals that are needed to mitigate these consequences at minimal, however, bleed is still needed to manage the product limitations (we refer to this treatment as index chemistry).

Alas, we have treated one set of consequences with another set of consequences - i.e. costs of excess water use still remains and now we have hazardous materials going to the environment.  This might be thought of as bad Karma!

With our WCTI Zero Tower Bleed Silica Based non-index program, and its 98% reduction in system water use, our elimination of chemicals has allowed us to address the consequences of water treatment without any further negative consequences - I like to think of this as good KARMA!

How is your Karma?


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